16 Best AI and Customer Experience Podcasts for Everyday Leaders

It is not a secret that understanding the intricacies of Customer Experience (CX) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a niche interest but a fundamental necessity. Regardless of your role in support, marketing, sales, or any other department, these two domains are completly changing how businesses interact with their customers and innovate their processes. Podcasts have emerged as a valuable resource for staying updated, gaining insights, and learning from experts in these fields. The convenience of podcasts allows professionals at all levels, especially everyday leaders, to tap into the wealth of knowledge available at their fingertips.

Here, we present the "16 Best AI and Customer Experience Podcasts for Everyday Leaders," a list meticulously curated (and oh boy, we did some extensive research) to offer the most enriching content in these dynamic fields. This list isn't just about names; it's about what makes each podcast a must-listen. We look at the nature of the content, the hosts, their unique perspectives, and where you can find these podcasts.

So, before we start with our top 16 list, here's a quick summary and what names you should expect finding in our well-researched list of the best 16 AI and CX podcasts!

Quick summary:

1. Glassix Spotlight: Our top choice for its diverse guest lineup and engaging topics, especially for its relevant discussions on generative AI in CX.

2. The AI Customer Revolution: Our second pick based on its relevance and listeners reviews.

3. CX Innovators: We adore this one for its long and somewhat controversial and detailed conversations.

4. Practical AI: The Capacity for Good: This one explores the positive side of artificial intelligence & CX in a controversial way and provide real key take aways.

5. The Customer Centric AI: Exploring AI-driven strategies to enhance customer-centric business approaches, we loved it for being vertical agnostic.

6. The Digital CX Show: Provides insights on digital technology's role in evolving customer interactions for industry leaders and managers.

7. AI in Action: We like the AI in Action podcast for showcasing real-world AI applications and their practical impact across industries.

8. Customer Experience Leaders Chat: This one standout as one that brings in real industry leaders discussing effective customer experience strategies.

9. The AI Advantage: Very relevant for small biz for its ability to demonstrate how businesses can use AI for competitive benefits and future perspectives.

10. Talk Time with MaxContact: We really like The Talk Time with MaxContact podcast for its tips and strategies for customer experience professionals in leadership in the world of contact centers.

11. The Conversational AI Podcast: This one standout as it touches the evolving role and evolution of conversational AI in customer interactions.

12. CX Next: We absolutely love the CX Next format and the way it goes around innovations and future trends in customer experience.

13. AI for Customer Engagement: Consists of many enlightening conversations around utilizing AI to boost customer engagement and personalization.

14. The Future of CX: This one stand out not just for touching AI, but also for the emerging trends and predictions shaping customer experience in general.

15. CX Pulse: One of the oldest podcasts in the field of CX, CX Pulse is renowned for its latest developments and practices in the customer experience field.

16. Leading with CX: Closing our list, Leading with CX which is well know for its leadership strategies focused on customer-centric business success.

How to spot which customer experience podcast is right for You?

With so many quality CX podcasts available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you find the CX and AI podcast that aligns with your interests and professional needs:

  • Identify your interests and goals: Are you more intrigued by technical AI discussions, or do you prefer content focused on customer experience strategies? Knowing what you want to learn will guide your selection.

  • Consider the hosts and guests: The expertise and presentation style of the host, as well as the profile of the guests, can greatly influence the podcast's appeal. Look for hosts and guests whose backgrounds and experiences resonate with you.

  • Check the episode topics: Skim through the episode titles and descriptions. This can give you a good idea of the podcast's focus areas and whether they align with your interests.

  • Sample a few episodes: Listen to a couple of episodes from different podcasts. This will give you a feel for the content quality, presentation style, and the kind of insights offered.

  • Read reviews and ratings: Online reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into the podcast’s popularity and the value it offers to listeners.

So, without further adieu, here are the best customer experience and AI podcasts for everyday leaders:

1. Glassix Spotlight Podcast

Why it made our list: Topping our list is the Glassix Spotlight Podcast, a premier source of insights in the AI and CX realm. This podcast has earned its place for its in-depth analysis, practical advice, and the way it bridges the gap between technical AI concepts and real-world customer experience strategies.

What it's all about: Hosted by industry experts, this podcast delves into various aspects of AI, from chatbots to data analytics, and how these technologies enhance customer interactions. It’s designed for a wide range of listeners, from tech enthusiasts to business leaders, making complex topics accessible and applicable.

Featured on: Available on major platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube, it’s easily accessible for a global audience.

2. The AI Customer Revolution

Why it made our list:  This podcast stands out for its focus on how AI is revolutionizing customer service. It’s a blend of technical know-how and customer-centric strategies, making it ideal for professionals seeking to enhance customer engagement through AI.

What it's all about: Hosted by AI experts, the podcast explores cutting-edge developments in AI and their practical applications in improving customer experience. The discussions range from AI-driven personalization to automated support systems.

Featured on: Find it on platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

3. CX Innovators

Why it made our list:  CX Innovators earns its spot by offering a deep dive into innovative customer experience strategies. It’s a treasure trove of case studies, expert interviews, and industry trends.

What it's all about: The podcast features a mix of industry leaders and thinkers who discuss the evolving landscape of customer experience. It focuses on how innovation and technology are shaping customer interactions in various industries.

Featured on: Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other major platforms.

4. Practical AI: The Capacity for Good

Why it made our list:  This podcast earned a spot for its unique focus on the beneficial aspects of AI. It stands out for highlighting AI's positive impact in fields like customer support and enhancing everyday experiences.

What it's all about: "Practical AI: The Capacity for Good" delves into the intersection of artificial intelligence, automation, customer support, and experience. It features discussions with experts and real-life stories showcasing how AI has positively transformed lives and industries.

Featured on: Tune in on platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

5. The Customer-Centric AI

Why it made our list:  It’s a go-to source for understanding how AI can be leveraged to create customer-centric strategies. The podcast excels in translating complex AI concepts into actionable CX insights.

What it's all about: Hosted by AI and CX specialists, the podcast covers topics like AI in customer analytics, chatbot experiences, and personalized marketing. It’s both informative and practical, ideal for professionals seeking to integrate AI into their customer strategies.

Featured on: Available on major streaming services, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

6. The Digital CX Show

Why it made our list:  This podcast is at the forefront of discussing digital transformation in customer experience. It’s a blend of expert opinions, real-world examples, and practical advice for digital-first CX strategies.

What it's all about: Hosted by digital CX leaders, the show dives into how digital technologies, including AI, are reshaping customer experiences. The discussions often revolve around leveraging technology for enhanced customer engagement and satisfaction.

Featured on: Accessible on platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

7. AI in Action

Why it made our list:  'AI in Action' stands out for its comprehensive approach to discussing AI applications in various sectors, including customer experience. It’s a rich resource for understanding AI’s broad impact.

What it's all about: The podcast features interviews with AI experts and business leaders who share insights and real-world examples of AI implementation. It provides a balanced perspective on the technical and business aspects of AI.

Featured on: Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and other streaming services.

8. Customer Experience Leaders Chat

Why it made our list:  This podcast earns its spot for its focus on leadership in the context of customer experience. It’s ideal for professionals looking to enhance their leadership skills in CX-driven roles.

What it's all about: The series features interviews with renowned CX leaders who share their experiences, challenges, and strategies in enhancing customer experiences in various industries.

Featured on: Listen to it on platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

9. The AI Advantage

Why it made our list:  This podcast provides a unique blend of AI technology discussion with a focus on practical business advantages, particularly in enhancing customer experiences.

What it's all about: Hosted by AI experts, the podcast explores various AI technologies and how they can be leveraged to gain a competitive edge in customer experience strategies.

Featured on: Available on major platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

10. Talk Time with MaxContact

Why it made our list: This is your go-to podcast for all things contact centre-related. Join host Sean McIver as he delves into the latest trends, strategies, and technologies shaping the world of contact centres.

What it's all about: The podcast explores topics ranging from operational best practices and team management to the role of AI in transforming customer interactions.

Featured on: You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other major streaming services.

11. The Conversational AI Podcast

Why it made our list:  This podcast is essential for those interested in the growing field of conversational AI and its impact on customer experience. It bridges the gap between technical AI aspects and practical CX applications.

What it's all about: Featuring insights from industry leaders, the podcast covers topics like chatbots, voice assistants, and AI-driven communication tools, discussing how these technologies are transforming customer interactions.

Featured on: Available on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

12. CX Next

Why it made our list:  'CX Next' is a goldmine for the latest trends and innovations in customer experience. It’s particularly insightful for professionals looking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving CX landscape.

What it's all about: The podcast hosts industry experts and thought leaders who discuss next-generation customer experience strategies, often highlighting the role of AI in driving these changes.

Featured on: Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other streaming platforms.

13. AI for Customer Engagement

Why it made our list:  This podcast stands out for its specialized focus on utilizing AI to enhance customer engagement. It’s a perfect blend of technical AI concepts and their application in real-world customer interactions.

What it's all about: The series explores various AI tools and techniques, like machine learning and natural language processing, and their practical applications in improving customer engagement and experience.

Featured on: Available on major services, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

14. The Future of CX

Why it made our list:  'The Future of CX' podcast is a visionary exploration of what lies ahead in customer experience, with a strong emphasis on the role of AI.

What it's all about: It features discussions with industry leaders and futurists on emerging trends, technologies, and strategies in CX, providing listeners with a glimpse into the future of customer interactions.

Featured on: Accessible on platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

15. CX Pulse

Why it made our list:  This podcast is a treasure trove of insights into how AI is shaping and optimizing customer experience strategies featured by Nice.

What it's all about: The episodes cover a range of topics, from AI-driven analytics to automated customer service, offering listeners actionable insights and strategies for integrating AI into their CX efforts.

Featured on: Find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other streaming services.

16. Leading with CX

Why it made our list:  Rounding out our list, this podcast is notable for its focus on leadership within the context of customer experience, highlighting how AI can be a game-changer in this arena.

What it's all about: Hosted by CX leaders, it offers a deep dive into leadership strategies and how to effectively integrate AI into CX for optimal results.

Featured on: Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and various other platforms.

Why CX and AI are the next BIG thing for everyday leaders?

CX and AI are not just buzzwords; they are foundational elements shaping the future of business across all departments. Here’s why they are crucial for everyday leaders:

  • Universal impact: CX and AI influence every aspect of a business, from sales and marketing to customer support and product development. Leaders who understand these domains can drive holistic improvements in their organizations.

  • Enhancing customer insights: AI provides unprecedented access to customer data and insights. Leaders can leverage this to create more personalized and effective customer experiences.

  • Operational efficiency: AI can streamline operations, automate routine tasks, and enhance decision-making processes. This leads to more efficient operations and better resource allocation.

  • Competitive edge: In a market where customer experience is a key differentiator, mastering AI-driven CX strategies can give businesses a significant competitive advantage.

  • Adaptability and future-readiness: Embracing AI and CX is crucial for staying relevant in a rapidly evolving business landscape. Leaders who are adept in these areas are better equipped to adapt and thrive in the face of change.

Wrapping up: embracing the AI and CX evolution

The intersection of AI and Customer Experience is more than just a trend; it's a fundamental shift in how businesses operate and engage with their customers. The "16 Best AI and Customer Experience Podcasts for Everyday Leaders" is more than just a list; it's a gateway to a wealth of knowledge, insights, and strategies that can transform your approach to leadership and business.

As an everyday leader, immersing yourself in these podcasts means staying ahead of the curve, understanding the nuances of AI, and harnessing its power to elevate the customer experience. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just beginning to explore the realms of AI and CX, these podcasts offer diverse perspectives and insights to guide you on your journey.

Remember, the key to benefiting from these resources is active engagement. Listen with an open mind, apply the insights to your context, and don't be afraid to experiment with new ideas and strategies. The world of AI and CX is dynamic and ever-evolving, and staying informed is the first step towards leading effectively in this exciting landscape.

In embracing these resources, you're not just enhancing your professional knowledge; you're shaping a future where AI and customer experience go hand in hand in creating more efficient, responsive, and personalized business environments. So dive in, explore, and be part of the revolution that is setting the new standard for leadership and business success in the digital age.